How to Be a Sleep Winner While Traveling or Hosting

How to Be a Sleep Winner While Traveling or Hosting

This is the first post in a sleep series by Sarah Middleton Healy, an infant sleep consultant and parent coach. She uses the Millette Method--a multifaceted and holistic approach that takes into account the entire family system, the child’s developmental stage, and the needs of the parents.

I hope this message finds you well and settling into the cozy part of the year, which calls for us to rest, rest, rest. For many of you, this time of year either involves travel to or hosting family or friends. While this is a wonderful endeavor, it can take a toll on you and your little ones' energy reserves.

The following are helpful tips adapted from the work of the wonderful Dr. Angelique Millette, creator of the Millette Method. I am one of a handful of master level pediatric sleep consultants in the U.S. trained in the Millette Method—a research-based method in sleep training that incorporates the multiple facets that impact sleep.

Travel Tips

  • If your baby will be sleeping in a pack'n'play on your trip, in the week or two before your trip place your baby in her pack'n'play for sleeping (AM nap or bedtime) so she gets used to the new sleep space. 

  • Bring your baby or toddler's lovey, sleep sack (light and heavy weight depending upon the weather in the region you are visiting), unwashed crib sheet (familiar scent), and sound machine. Also, bring your toddler's blankies, stuffed animals, favorite bedtime books and pj's. This will help your little one to feel more secure in a new place and have reminders of home.

  • Try to schedule a flight or car trip during nap time or around your child's bedtime.

  • If flying, for take off and landing, plan to help your child drink some liquid. Offer breast or bottle for your baby or a sippy cup with water or juice for older children. This will help to equalize the pressure in the middle ear.

  • Try spending an additional 10-15 min with your child at bedtime the first few nights. This will mean that you want to start bedtime a little earlier than you normally would at home.

  • If you need a crib, pack'n'play, highchair, or bouncy chair, think about renting from They will deliver and set up in most major cities as well as the Hawaiian Islands. Bring crib sheets from home!

  • If possible, schedule a few relaxing and restful vacation days in between busy, activity-packed vacation days. This is especially helpful after a busy travel day and right before a busy travel day.

  • If traveling west to east, and staying more than five days, move your infant/child to the new time zone. Your child's body (their circadian rhythms) will naturally adjust on its own from the sunlight and you don't have to make this adjustment before the trip.

  • If traveling east to west, it may be more difficult since your infant/child will naturally want to wake up earlier. The first full day in your new destination, try your best to stretch out your child's naps and push out bedtime. Do this each day that you are there, and after a few days your child will be adjusted.

Hosting Tips

 Having a lot of family in the home can be wonderful but it can also be overstimulating for babies/toddlers. Here are some tips for keeping everyone sleeping soundly:

  • Offer quiet downtime with your little one before naps and throughout the day to help them "reset.
  • Try spending an additional 10-15 min with your child at bedtime the first few nights. This will mean that you want to start bedtime a little earlier than you normally would at home.

  • Be sure to protect at least the morning nap to ensure that your little one gets one solid nap per day. If you need to travel to a home, schedule that around a nap time. 
  • Take your little one out for a walk or a snuggle nap for the afternoon to ensure good and restorative afternoon sleep.
  • Warm baths and quiet floor play are excellent ways to help your little one restore and reset.

Wishing you a lovely Holiday Season filled with play . . . peace . . . and sleep.


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